Revision date: 2020-11-20
Sandén International want to take its responsibility in the world we live in today – the local environment, guests, employees and suppliers.
As part of this duty, Sandén International, in close cooperation with its suppliers, wants to ensure that the companies that manufacture Sandén International’s products and provide Sandén International’s services maintain high social and environmental standards – that they are sustainable in the long term. One of the ways this is regulated is through Sandén International’s code of conduct.
The code of conduct defines and describes the requirements that Sandén International imposes on its suppliers. Suppliers in turn are expected to apply Sandén International’s code of conduct (or their own if it corresponds to Sandén International’s code) to their suppliers.
These requirements are based on accepted international conventions, provisions, regulations and directives, as well as on national legislation. For example:
- The UN Global Compact
- The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- The UN Convention against Corruption
- The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
- The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
- The UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights
- The UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, including protocols
- The ILO Conventions 1, 14, 26, 29, 79, 87, 95, 98, 100, 105, 111, 131, 132, 135, 138, 142, 143, 154, 155, 158, 159 and 182, and associated recommendations
- OECD guidelines for multinational companies
- The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
- The European Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
- The European Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
1.1 Language
This code of conduct has been drawn up in Swedish and English and is applicable in these languages. Any translations to other languages should be regarded as reference material.
2. Compliance with laws
All suppliers must comply with the relevant national laws, rules and regulations in the countries in which they operate. If there are conflicts between the requirements of this code of conduct and national legislation, suppliers must comply with the more stringent requirement. The requirements of this code of conduct may extend beyond national legislation.
3. Workers’ rights
3.1 Under age workers
A worker is defined as underage (a minor) until the age of 18 years.
Before a minor can be employed, the supplier is expected to carry out a risk assessment of the employment situation. Suppliers must also ensure that clear instructions and safety routines are provided before and during employment.
Every employee under the age of 18 must be protected from exploitation for financial gain and from carrying out tasks that carry a risk of physical, mental or social ill health, or that entail reduced opportunities for training and development.
3.2 Forced or compulsory labor
Forced labor, compulsory labor or wage slavery are not accepted.
3.3 Employment contract
All employees have the right to a written contract, written in the national language. The contract must clearly state the terms of employment.
3.4 Wages & benefits
Suppliers must pay their employees at least the statutory minimum wage, accepted industry wage or collectively agreed wage. The alternative chosen is the one that gives the employee the highest wage.
Wages must be paid in money, not in kind. Wage payments must be made regularly, on time and in full, directly to the employee.
All employees are entitled to a written wage statement that clearly shows the wage components.
Compensation must be given for all overtime in accordance with the applicable laws or contract.
Unlawful deductions from wages or illegal withholding of benefits are not permitted.
3.5 Working hours & holidays
Working hours and the number of overtime hours must comply with the applicable national laws and industry standards. All employees are entitled to at least one day free in every seven-day period.
Compulsory overtime must not be required routinely or regularly.
All employees are entitled to statutory paid leave with appropriate compensation for sick leave, maternity/paternity leave and statutory holidays, for example.
3.6 Freedom of association & collective bargaining
All employees are entitled to freedom of association, and to take part in collective bargaining without the risk of retaliation, threats or harassment.
3.7 Discrimination
No discrimination is permitted on the basis of nationality, skin color, pregnancy, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, sickness, disability or trade union and political affiliation in relation to recruitment, wage-setting, promotion, allocation of duties, skills development or termination.
If a supplier employs migrant workers, they must be given the same rights and treated on the same terms as local employees.
3.8 Harassment
All employees must be treated with dignity and respect. No degrading treatment or corporal punishment is permitted, whether physical, mental, verbal or sexual.
4. Working conditions
4.1 Health
Suppliers must provide a healthy working environment for employees and meet or exceed all applicable national and international laws and regulations relating to health.
All employees must have free access to clean drinking water, hygienic toilets and sanitizers.
4.2 Safety
Suppliers must provide a safe working environment for all employees. Suppliers must meet or exceed all applicable national and international laws and regulations relating to safety.
Business must be conducted in suitable premises that comply with the right of employees to a safe working environment.
Workplaces must be equipped with adequate and clearly identified emergency exits, fire alarms, evacuation plans, emergency lighting and fire extinguishers. No part of the escape route may be blocked.
All employees must receive the necessary health & safety training for the tasks they perform. Suitable protection equipment and first-aid materials must be provided.
Suppliers must take active measures to prevent accidents and incidents.
4.3 Accommodation conditions
If the supplier provides housing/dormitory rooms for employees, they must comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to health and safety.
5. Environment
5.1 Environmental permits
Suppliers must have all relevant environmental and operating permits, licenses and registrations that are required under national law.
5.2 Chemicals
Goods produced by suppliers must not contain any substances that pose a danger to employees or consumers.
Containers for chemicals must be properly labelled and stored safely. Safety data sheets in the national language must be made available in the workplace and must be followed.
5.3 Waste management
All waste, including wastewater and atmospheric emissions that are likely to harm the environment or people’s health, must be stored, handled, controlled, disposed of and treated responsibly and in accordance with local regulations before being released into the natural environment (if applicable).
6. Prohibition of people trafficking
The supplier’s business must not be associated with any form of people trafficking, whether directly or indirectly.
7. Anti-corruption
Suppliers must not tolerate, allow or take part in bribery, corruption, and/or unethical business practices, whether in contacts with public officials or individuals in the private sector. Suppliers are expected to take active measures to counter bribery and corruption.
8. Business systems
Suppliers are expected to strive for continuous improvement with regard to the code of conduct. Efforts to ensure compliance with the code must be carried out in an organized and systematic way.
The supplier’s management is responsible for ensuring implementation and compliance with the code of conduct, and for gathering information and taking action if the code of conduct is not followed.
9. Inspections and compliance
9.1 Transparency and cooperation
Sandén International expects all suppliers to respect the code of conduct and actively do their utmost to ensure compliance in their own business and in their own supply chains. Sandén International also expects transparency and cooperation.
9.2 Inspections
Sandén International reserves the right to conduct announced inspections at any time at the workplaces that produce goods or provide services on behalf of Sandén International. By special agreement, the parties may also agree that unannounced inspections can be carried out. Audits may be carried out by Sandén International’s own audit staff or by an independent third party appointed by Sandén International. During audits, Sandén International requires unrestricted access to premises and relevant documentation, as well as the opportunity to interview employees.
Suppliers’ compliance with the code of conduct may also be evaluated by self-assessment. Sandén International reserves the right at any time to demand that a supplier carries out an assessment of its business according to a defined assessment template.
9.3 Deviations and improvement measures
If deviations from Sandén International’s code of conduct are identified or known to exist, they must be rectified immediately by the supplier.